Burstcoin Mining Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator

NOTE: The calculator below will be updated soon with the new Signum calculations. In the meantime, current estimations can be found here: https://www.signum.network/calculator.html

This calculator takes your hardware investment price, plot size, network difficulty and other factors into account and determines when (if at all) you will see a return on your investment in mining Burstcoin.

see Burst Explorer for infosee Burst Explorer for infosee CoinGecko for referencepool size reference

ROI Chart


Break Even



Plot Size: Your plot size is the space on your hard drive that you have allocated for Burstcoin mining. Each plot will need to be plotted first, using a program such as XPlotter or Turbo Plotter 9000. These are just a couple of examples. There are others available.

Network Difficulty: Also referred to as netdiff, this is the total number of terabytes in the Burstcoin mining network. Check out the current estimate on Burst Explorer by CrytoGuru.

Burst Per Block: The first Burstcoin block was generated in August of 2014 and rewarded 10,000 BURST. Since then, the reward has decreased by a steady 5% per month, by design. That means with a total supply of 2,158,812,800 BURST, mining will be completed in August of 2029. If you haven’t made a return by this point, you’ll still be able to generate profit from transaction fees. Transaction fees are changing soon, so head over to burst-coin.org to check out the latest white paper.

BURST Appreciation: How much would estimate BURST value increases per month? This could be 0%, or 20%.. your guess is as good as mine.

Pool Type: If you join a mining pool, you’ll see faster reward accumulation vs. solo mining if you don’t have a very large plot. Unfortunately, due to things like Effective Capacity and Pool Fees, you will not see the total amount that you would solo. Note: I’ve only included 0-100 for now. This means that the share is allocated 100% to historical rewards. Historical rewards let you contribute to the overall pool, even if you don’t actually win a block.

Pool Size: What’s the size of your pool in TB? There could be thousands of other people in your pool, so this TB value really adds up. Visit your pool URL to get this information.

Pool Fee: The pool takes a percentage of your earnings in exchange for participation. Visit your pool URL to get this information.

Effective Capacity: Ideally your pool will calculate your exact capacity based on the deadlines you submit. Unfortunately, your pool may calculate capacity a little lower than what you really have. Your payout is based on this number for the pool, minus fees. As an example, see this information on CryptoGuru’s page.

TB vs. TiB: All TB values are assumed to be TiB as reported by the OS. 1TB = 0.909495TiB. Entirely filling a 8TB hard drive will read as 7.27TB to Windows for example.

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