Monthly Archives: May 2018

Updating to Qbundle v2.1.0

Ducks in a Row

Qbundle v2.1.0 was released yesterday, so let’s give updating a shot. I had a few issues with the Qbundle installation the first time around − with the database not working correctly and a blank screen. I hope this version will not have those issues, but only time will tell. I actually think some of those issues stem from other programs on my computer using the same ports anyway.   Step 1: Download the latest Qbundle release… Read more »

Burst vs. Bitcoin Energy Consumption

Electricity Transmission Lines

Yesterday an article came out on Gizmodo about the energy consumption of Bitcoin, calling it “grossly inefficient, completely unsustainable, and an environmental menace“. Reading this article, only strengthens my belief that BURST, with it’s Proof of Capacity model, is a much better alternative for the future. The article claims that the per transaction kWh cost for Bitcoin is at least 300 kWh and could exceed 900 kWh by the end of 2018 as new miners… Read more »

Valid Deadlines Last 360 Blocks

Valid Blocks

I’ve been mining with three 8TB drives for about a week now and the highest I’ve seen Effective Capacity is around 19TB. Since the actual capacity of the 3 drives is around 21.82TB, I’d like to at least see that number over 20. While writing this, it’s actually down to a little over 16TB with 308 Valid Deadlines in the last 360 blocks. I know that my ODROID-XU4 setup will read all 3 drives in… Read more »

Effective Capacity Test #3

Here we are 5 days after starting the Effective Capacity testing, and here are some results. I’ve seen that the laptop gives better results, and that looks like it’s due to a jump in around 10 valid deadlines. Now, there’s always a bit of chance involved, but it looks to me like the valid deadlines are higher possibly due to a few blocks ending before the ODROID could finish reading the plot… or it could… Read more »